Advice and tips for
managed hair
Short Hair
Curly Hair
• Cutting
• Swimming
Always use a leave in conditioner before swimming As this protects hair
from chlorine e.g damaged and colour fade. After swimming is best to
wash and condition hair straight away.
Always choose the right shampoo for your hair type e.g
colour, oily,
dry etc. Don't wash hair to often – every two to three days.
Comb hair while conditioner is on.
When towel drying hair
hair rather then rubbing.
Coming hair through with
comb not
brush tacking small sections and working from the ends up to the roots.
Recommended product
Tigi Honey and Oatmeal sham/cond
• Drying/Straightening Hair
When straightening hair use hair
serum and blow drying product work through hair and not the root.
Rough dry then take
small sections and clip the rest of the hair out the way. Use a round
brush – size of brush depends on hair length.
Locking the brush in at
the root follow the dryer (with a nosal attached)
above the brush down the
hair from root to ends. Working with the nosel pointing downwards will
leave the hair smoother.
Recommended products
– Tigi Deep Shine and Creative Genius.
Don't use every day and best to
use ceramic plated straighteners. Always use shine spray or heat
protector during and after use.
Take small sections and
spray each section with chosen product then
using a small comb placed at the root follow the straighteners through
the hair from root to ends.
Try to use the
straighteners only once on each section.
Finish with more spray.
Recommended product -
Tigi Shiner and Defrizzer or Heat protector
Blow-drying Short
Rough dry, using a product on the root for
volume. Then, with a
small round brush, follow dryer lifting at root.
Using some product
on finger tips, work through tips of hair.
You can use hair spray to finish.
Recommended products – Tigi Root Boost, Serum, Manipulator,
Hard Head hair spray.
• Diffusing Curly
With product on hair and roots
hold head upside down. Dry hair using a diffuser and use fingers to
lift hair
at root whilst holding the diffuser on middle length and ends. Try not
move the diffuser too much – only touching hair at roots
– letting the
diffuser do most of the work.
When finished, keep the head upside down and spray with
hairspray. Flip
head back and shake from side to side.
Recommended products – Tigi Root Boost, Curls Rock, Hard Head
hair spray.
Colour-treated Hair
All colours fade –
especially reds and coppers – so don't wash too often and
always use colour treated shampoo.
Poor shampoo, sun, and
swimmin will all fade colours faster.
Silver shampoos reduce
yellow brassy tones in blondes.
It is best to maintain regular
cutting especially with short hair.
Even when growing, hair should be cut at least every 12 weeks to
spilt ends.